Palettes can be configured to remember their previous states across front end sessions. This is useful for palettes containing multiple expandable sections, tab views, ...
FromCoefficientRules[list, {x_1, x_2, ...}] constructs a polynomial from a list of rules for exponent vectors and coefficients.
ZetaZero[k] represents the k\[Null]^th zero of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line.ZetaZero[k, t] represents the k\[Null]^th zero with imaginary part greater than ...
Here the standard procedure used by Mathematica to evaluate expressions is described. This procedure is the one followed for most kinds of expression. There are, however, ...
Dispatch[{lhs_1 -> rhs_1, lhs_2 -> rhs_2, ...}] generates an optimized dispatch table representation of a list of rules. The object produced by Dispatch can be used to give ...
patt /; test is a pattern which matches only if the evaluation of test yields True. lhs :> rhs /; test represents a rule which applies only if the evaluation of test yields ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Root[f, k] represents the exact k\[Null]^th root of the polynomial equation f[x] == 0. Root[{f, x_0}] represents the exact root of the general equation f[x] == 0 near x = ...
Many calculations involve solving systems of linear equations. In many cases, you will find it convenient to write down the equations explicitly, and then solve them using ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Trace[expr] generates a list of all expressions used in the evaluation of expr. Trace[expr, form] includes only those expressions which match form. Trace[expr, s] includes ...
Patterns are used throughout Mathematica to represent classes of expressions. A simple example of a pattern is the expression f[x_]. This pattern represents the class of ...