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SQLUpdate   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLUpdate[conn, table, cols, data] updates data in a table in an SQL connection.
SQLBeginTransaction   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLBeginTransaction[conn] initiates an SQL transaction.
$SQLUseConnectionPool   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
$SQLUseConnectionPool gives the default setting that specifies whether a connection pool is used to retrieve a connection.
SQLDropTable   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLDropTable[conn, table] drops a table in an SQL connection.
SQLMemberQ   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLMemberQ[data, column] specifies a condition in an SQL query used to test whether an element of a list matches the value of a column.
SQLResultSetOpen   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLResultSetOpen[query] makes a result set from an SQL query.
SQLCreateTable   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLCreateTable[conn, table, columns] creates a new table in an SQL connection.
$SQLTimeout   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
$SQLTimeout gives the default time in seconds that DatabaseLink waits while opening connections and executing database queries.
SQLSavepoint   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLSavepoint[...] is an object that represents a savepoint in an SQL transaction.
SQLStringMatchQ   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLStringMatchQ[col, patt] specifies a condition in an SQL query used to test whether the value of a column matches a pattern. The actual format for the pattern varies from ...
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