PieChart[{y_1, y_2, ...}] makes a pie chart with sector angle proportional to y_1, y_2, ....PieChart[{..., w_i[y_i, ...], ..., w_j[y_j, ...], ...}] makes a pie chart with ...
CoifletWavelet[] represents a Coiflet wavelet of order 2.CoifletWavelet[n] represents a Coiflet wavelet of order n.
The numerical method of lines is a technique for solving partial differential equations by discretizing in all but one dimension, and then integrating the semi-discrete ...
AstronomicalData["name", " property"] gives the value of the specified property of the astronomical object with the specified name.AstronomicalData["name", {"property", ...
NonlinearModelFit[{y_1, y_2, ...}, form, {\[Beta]_1, ...}, x] constructs a nonlinear model with structure form that fits the y_i for successive x values 1, 2, ... using the ...
PairedHistogram[{x_1, x_2, ...}, {y_1, y_2, ...}] plots a paired histogram of the values x_i and y_i.PairedHistogram[{x_1, x_2, ...}, {y_1, y_2, ...}, bspec] plots a paired ...
RenkoChart[{{date_1, p_1}, {date_2, p_2}, ...}] makes a Renko chart with prices p_i at date date_i.RenkoChart[{" name", daterange}] makes a Renko chart of closing prices for ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NDSolve[eqns, y, {x, x_min, x_max}] finds a numerical solution to the ordinary differential equations eqns for the function y with the independent variable x in the range ...
(Numerical Calculus Package Symbol) NLimit[expr, z -> z_0] numerically finds the limiting value of expr as z approaches z_0.
TemperedChromatic is an interval list corresponding to an equal tempered scale.