[AP91] Ascher, U. and L. Petzold. "Projected Implicit Runge–Kutta Methods for Differential Algebraic Equations." SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 28 (1991): 1097–1120. [AP98] Ascher, U. ...
By far the largest release since Version 1.0 in 1988, Version 6.0 added a remarkable breadth of new functionality. As well as introducing several major new fundamental ...
Mathematica works with both exact quantities and approximate numbers. Using N , you can obtain a numerical approximation to an exact quantity with any desired precision or ...
Statistical distributions have applications in many fields, including the biological, social, and physical sciences. Mathematica represents statistical distributions as ...
DiscreteConvolve[f, g, n, m] gives the convolution with respect to n of the expressions f and g. DiscreteConvolve[f, g, {n_1, n_2, ...}, {m_1, m_2, ...}] gives the ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Hue[h] is a graphics directive which specifies that objects which follow are to be displayed, if possible, in a color corresponding to hue h. Hue[h, s, b] specifies colors in ...
LandauDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents a Landau distribution with location parameter \[Mu] and scale parameter \[Sigma].
PropertyValue[{obj, item}, name] gives the property value associated with name for item in obj.
RGBColor[red, green, blue] is a graphics directive specifying that objects that follow are to be displayed, if possible, in the color given. RGBColor[r, g, b, a] specifies ...
StringSplit["string"] splits " string" into a list of substrings separated by whitespace. StringSplit["string", patt] splits into substrings separated by delimiters matching ...