The arithmetic used by Mathematica is a mixture of variable-precision software arithmetic and whatever is provided by the manufacturer of the floating-point hardware (or the ...
This package contains descriptive statistics for multivariate data and distributions derived from the multivariate normal distribution. Distributions are represented in the ...
A three-dimensional coordinate system assigns three numbers to each point in space. In defining a coordinate system, you have to make a choice about what to measure and how ...
Manipulate[expr, {u, u_min, u_max}] generates a version of expr with controls added to allow interactive manipulation of the value of u. Manipulate[expr, {u, u_min, u_max, ...
StationaryWaveletPacketTransform[data] gives the stationary wavelet packet transform (SWPT) of an array of data.StationaryWaveletPacketTransform[data, wave] gives the ...
StationaryWaveletTransform[data] gives the stationary wavelet transform (SWT) of an array of data.StationaryWaveletTransform[data, wave] gives the stationary wavelet ...
"Introduction to Manipulate" and "Introduction to Dynamic" provide most of the information you need to use Mathematica's interactive features accessible through the functions ...
InverseWaveletTransform[dwd] gives the inverse wavelet transform of a DiscreteWaveletData object dwd.InverseWaveletTransform[dwd, wave] gives the inverse transform using the ...
LogNormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents a lognormal distribution derived from a normal distribution with mean \[Mu] and standard deviation \[Sigma].
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Moment[list, r] gives the r\[Null]^th sample moment of the elements in list.Moment[dist, r] gives the r\[Null]^th moment of the symbolic distribution dist.Moment[..., {r_1, ...