Many aspects of the Mathematica front end such as the styles of cells, the appearance of notebooks, or the parameters used in typesetting are controlled by options. For ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Count[list, pattern] gives the number of elements in list that match pattern. Count[expr, pattern, levelspec] gives the total number of subexpressions matching pattern that ...
DeleteDuplicates[list] deletes all duplicates from list.DeleteDuplicates[list, test] applies test to pairs of elements to determine whether they should be considered ...
LowerCaseQ[string] yields True if all the characters in the string are lowercase letters, and yields False otherwise.
UpperCaseQ[string] yields True if all the characters in the string are uppercase letters, and yields False otherwise.
Whether it is for importing, exporting, or other operations, Mathematica must know where to look for files on your computer before it can use them. There are a number of ...
Get Coordinates displays the approximate coordinate values of the mouse position.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) DigitQ[string] yields True if all the characters in the string are digits in the range 0 through 9, and yields False otherwise.
PageBreakAbove is an option for Cell which specifies whether a page break should be made immediately above the cell if the notebook that contains the cell is printed.
PageBreakBelow is an option for Cell which specifies whether a page break should be made immediately below the cell if the notebook that contains the cell is printed.