Mathematica supports using joysticks, gamepads, 3D mice, and all other controller devices that follow the HID specification. In fact, in many cases, there is zero setup ...
Automatically selecting between hundreds of powerful and in many cases original algorithms, Mathematica provides both numerical and symbolic solving of differential equations ...
From simple calculations to full publishable documents and sophisticated dynamic interfaces, everything you can do with Mathematica's standard interactive interface is done ...
DavisDistribution[b, n, \[Mu]] represents a Davis distribution with scale parameter b, shape parameter n, and location parameter \[Mu].
ImageRegion is an option for cells that specifies the size and position of the bounding box within which a graphic is rendered.
SQLExecute allows SQL statements to be executed. Statements can be used to select data, create tables, insert data, update data, remove data, and drop tables. The statement ...
Content in a Mathematica notebook is organized in cells. Each cell has a cell bracket that appears along the right edge of the notebook window. Markings on a cell bracket ...
Mathematica supports operations on matrices of any size and has a range of input methods appropriate for different needs, from small formatted matrices via keyboard or ...
Mathematica allows Greek letters to be integrated into symbol names, strings, graphics, and text. Greek letters can be input from palettes or by using keyboard shortcuts.
Divisible[n, m] yields True if n is divisible by m, and yields False if it is not.