GeodesicErosion[marker, mask] gives the fixed point of the geodesic erosion of the image marker constrained by the image mask.
Once installed, MathLM starts running automatically by default each time the machine is rebooted. To start or stop MathLM manually, follow these instructions. It is assumed ...
The raw SQL command UPDATE updates data in a database. An alternative is to use the Mathematica command SQLUpdate, described in "Updating Data". If you find that the examples ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Button[label, action] represents a button that is labeled with label, and evaluates action whenever it is clicked.
Get Help opens documentation about the selected function.
Parallel Kernel Configuration opens a dialog to add, remove, and configure parallel kernels.
The Mathematica front end provides an Insert > Table/Matrix submenu for creating and editing arrays with any specified number of rows and columns. Once you have such an ...
If you have installed Mathematica in a location where multiple users can run it (for example, on a file server or multi-user machine), then you can set up systemwide defaults ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Take[list, n] gives the first n elements of list. Take[list, -n] gives the last n elements of list. Take[list, {m, n}] gives elements m through n of list. Take[list, seq_1, ...
Hypothesis tests give quantitative answers to common questions, such as how good the fit is between data and a particular distribution, whether these distributions have the ...