"Subscript" is a front end token that creates a SubscriptBox and fills the base with a selection.
"SubsessionEvaluateCells" is a front end token that evaluates the selected cells in a kernel subsession.
"Superscript" is a front end token that creates a SuperscriptBox and fills the base with a selection.
Automatic Grouping automatically creates hierarchical cell groups on the basis of cell style.
Background Color assigns a background color to the selected cells or text.
Cell Dingbat attaches the specified character as a left-hanging dingbat on the selected cells.
Clear deletes a selection without pasting it to the clipboard.
Cut deletes a selection and pastes it to the clipboard.
Documentation Center opens the Wolfram Mathematica Documentation Center.
Find Next searches forward for the next occurrence of the text string entered in the Find dialog box.