QuickTime converts the selected graphics cells into a Macintosh QuickTime animation (Macintosh only).
BoxBaselineShift is an option for AdjustmentBox that specifies how much the baseline of the box should be shifted relative to those of neighboring characters.
OptionInspectorSettings -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is a global option that specifies the display of options in the Option Inspector.
Mathematica normally organizes the cells in a notebook automatically into hierarchical groups. Double-clicking lets you show only the heading cell of a group, or only a ...
Evaluate in Place evaluates a selection in place.
Group Cells/Group Together makes a group out of the selected sequence of cells.
Paste into Graphic inserts the current contents of the clipboard into the selected (or clicked upon) graphic.
Print prints the active notebook.
AnimationDisplayTime is an option for Cell that specifies the minimum time in seconds for which a cell should be displayed in the course of an animation that runs through a ...