"SelectionSetFind" is a front end token that places the selected string into the Search for: field of the Find dialog.
Align Selected Graphics makes selected graphics cells line up with the first graphic in the selection.
Copy Graphics Selection copies the selected (or clicked upon) object within the graphic to the clipboard.
"MakeSelectionNotSpan" is a front end token that makes the selection not span a matrix.
"MakeSelectionSpan" is a front end token that makes the selection span a matrix.
"SelectionHelpDialog" is a front end token that opens the Documentation Center.
Generate Palette from Selection converts a selection into a palette.
Animate Selected Graphics animates graphics in a selection of cells, typically a cell group.
FilterRules[rules, patt] filters the list rules by picking out only those rules whose left-hand sides match patt.FilterRules[rules, {patt_1, patt_2, ...}] picks out rules ...
RadioButton[x, val] represents a radio button whose setting x is set to val when the button is clicked. RadioButton[x, val] is displayed as RadioButtonBox[0, {0}] when x is ...