Mathematica is uniquely suited for processing symbolic expressions because of its powerful pattern-matching abilities and large collection of built-in structural manipulation ...
Mathematica allows any front end command to be executed programmatically from within the kernel by sending an appropriate front end token. There are tokens for all standard ...
"ExplainColoringDialog" is a front end token that brings up the Why the Coloring? dialog with an explanation of the syntax coloring in the selection.
"FixCellHeight" is a front end token that assigns a CellSize option to selected cells to fix their height at their current height.
"GraphicsRender" is a front end token that rerenders the selected graphics.
Clear Formatting removes formatting from selected text or cells.
Close All Subgroups closes all groups in a selection.
Close Unselected Cells closes all groups but leaves selected cells open.
Convert Dynamic to Literal replaces each selected dynamic object with its most recent static value.