OutputForm converts the selection to Mathematica OutputForm.
Raw InputForm converts the selection to Mathematica raw InputForm.
StandardForm Display displays a selection in Mathematica StandardForm.
Text Display displays the selection as plain text without interpreting it.
TraditionalForm Display displays the selection in Mathematica TraditionalForm
AllowScriptLevelChange is an option for fractions and grids that controls whether certain operators, such as \[Sum], \[Product], and \[Integral], always appear smaller than ...
LimitsPositioningTokens is an option for selections that specifies a set of characters for which the option LimitsPositioning is set to True by default.
KernelMixtureDistribution[{x_1, x_2, ...}] represents a kernel mixture distribution based on the data values x_i.KernelMixtureDistribution[{{x_1, y_1, ...}, {x_2, y_2, ...}, ...
DiscreteRiccatiSolve[{a, b}, {q, r}] gives the matrix x that is the stabilizing solution of the discrete algebraic Riccati equation ConjugateTranspose[a].x.a - x - ...
SlideView[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] represents an object in which the expr_i are set up to be displayed on successive slides. SlideView[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}, i] makes the ...