CounterIncrements is an option for selections that specifies whether the value of a specified counter is incremented by one.
EdgeDetect[image] finds edges in image and returns the result as a binary image.EdgeDetect[image, r] finds edges at the scale of the specified pixel range r.EdgeDetect[image, ...
InterpretationBox[boxes, expr] is a low-level box construct that displays as boxes but is interpreted on input as expr.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Manual represents an option or other value that is to be selected manually, usually by some form of interactive manipulation.
SpanLineThickness is an option for selections that specifies the thickness in printer's points of line-spanning characters such as \[Backslash][VerticalLine] and ...
SpanMaxSize is an option for selections that specifies the maximum size of spanning characters such as parentheses and brackets.
SpanMinSize is an option for selections that specifies the minimum size of spanning characters such as parentheses and brackets.
TaggingRules is an option for selections that specifies a list of strings to be associated with a selection.
Start with the expression that will be the base. Type x. Create a built-up power by pressing the Control key and the 6 key at the same time.
To get a radical, press the Control key and the 2 key at the same time. Press Ctrl+2 or Ctrl+@. Type the radicand inside the placeholder (which is already selected).