(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Reap[expr] gives the value of expr together with all expressions to which Sow has been applied during its evaluation. Expressions sown using Sow[e] or Sow[e, tag_i] with ...
Now that we have introduced the basic features of patterns in Mathematica, we can use them to give a more or less complete example. We will show how you could define your own ...
Mathematica 8 provides functions that allow developers to implement file format converters to be integrated with the Mathematica Import and Export framework. You can ...
Mathematica allows you to export graphics and sounds in a wide variety of formats. If you use the notebook front end for Mathematica, then you can typically just copy and ...
Finding elements that match a pattern. This gives the elements of the list which match the pattern x^_. Here is the total number of elements which match the pattern.
Importing and exporting lists and tables of data. This exports a list of data to the file out1. Here are the contents of the file.
The Part function allows you to access specific parts of Mathematica expressions. But particularly when your expressions have fairly uniform structure, it is often convenient ...
Mathematica by default interprets any sequence of letters or letter-like forms as the name of a symbol. All these are treated by Mathematica as symbols. Symbols with built-in ...
"Basic Plotting" describes how to plot curves in Mathematica in which you give the y coordinate of each point as a function of the x coordinate. You can also use Mathematica ...
Particularly when you write procedural programs in Mathematica, you will often need to modify the value of a particular variable repeatedly. You can always do this by ...