NETNew[type] constructs a new object of the specified .NET type. NETNew[type, args...] constructs a new object of the specified .NET type, passing the supplied argument ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Table[expr, {i_max}] generates a list of i_max copies of expr. Table[expr, {i, i_max}] generates a list of the values of expr when i runs from 1 to i_max. Table[expr, {i, ...
DiscreteRatio[f, i] gives the discrete ratio f(i + 1)/f(i).DiscreteRatio[f, {i, n}] gives the multiple discrete ratio.DiscreteRatio[f, {i, n, h}] gives the multiple discrete ...
Affymetrix microarray data formats. Family of file formats used for the storage and exchange of microarray data and meta-information. ASCII or binary formats. Native formats ...
EulerPhi[n] gives the Euler totient function \[Phi](n).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Fit[data, funs, vars] finds a least-squares fit to a list of data as a linear combination of the functions funs of variables vars.
IntegerPart[x] gives the integer part of x.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Line[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] is a graphics primitive that represents a line joining a sequence of points. Line[{{pt_11, pt_12, ...}, {pt_21, ...}, ...}] represents a collection of ...
Pochhammer[a, n] gives the Pochhammer symbol (a) n.