Building on Mathematica's extensive data manipulation capabilities, Mathematica 8 adds a wide range of new import and export features, advanced image processing algorithms, ...
Dynamic and Manipulate have holding attributes that are vital in making them work properly. However, those holding attributes can interfere with other structural operations ...
ByteCount[expr] gives the number of bytes used internally by Mathematica to store expr.
CarmichaelLambda[n] gives the Carmichael function \[Lambda](n), defined as the smallest integer m such that k^m \[Congruent] 1 mod n for all k relatively prime to n.
ContinuedFraction[x, n] generates a list of the first n terms in the continued fraction representation of x. ContinuedFraction[x] generates a list of all terms that can be ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Level[expr, levelspec] gives a list of all subexpressions of expr on levels specified by levelspec. Level[expr, levelspec, f] applies f to the sequence of subexpressions.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Median[list] gives the median of the elements in list. Median[dist] gives the median of the symbolic distribution dist.
Quotient[m, n] gives the integer quotient of m and n. Quotient[m, n, d] uses an offset d.
RandomComplex[] gives a pseudorandom complex number with real and imaginary parts in the range 0 to 1.RandomComplex[{z_min, z_max}] gives a pseudorandom complex number in the ...
RandomReal[] gives a pseudorandom real number in the range 0 to 1. RandomReal[{x_min, x_max}] gives a pseudorandom real number in the range x_min to x_max. RandomReal[x_max] ...