Functions relating real numbers and integers. Extracting integer and fractional parts. IntegerPart[x] and FractionalPart[x] can be thought of as extracting digits to the left ...
Repeated patterns. Multiple blanks such as x__ allow you to give patterns in which sequences of arbitrary expressions can occur. The Mathematica pattern repetition operators ...
Mathematica always allows you to refer to special characters by using names such as ∖[Alpha] or explicit hexadecimal codes such as ∖:03b1. And when Mathematica writes out ...
An integration strategy is an algorithm that attempts to compute integral estimates that satisfy user-specified precision or accuracy goals. An integration strategy normally ...
The functions accessible with Wolfram LibraryLink make it possible to optimize numerical computations while still keeping the flexibility and generality of Mathematica. If ...
KernelMixtureDistribution[{x_1, x_2, ...}] represents a kernel mixture distribution based on the data values x_i.KernelMixtureDistribution[{{x_1, y_1, ...}, {x_2, y_2, ...}, ...
When fitting models to data, it is often useful to analyze how well the model fits the data and how well the fitting meets the assumptions of the model. For a number of ...
The first step in using a database is making a connection. This part of the tutorial discusses how to do this. If you are just starting to use DatabaseLink, you might want to ...
NIntegrate[f, {x, x_min, x_max}] gives a numerical approximation to the integral \[Integral]_x_min^x_max\ f\ d \ x. NIntegrate[f, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}, ...] ...
BernoulliB[n] gives the Bernoulli number B_n. BernoulliB[n, x] gives the Bernoulli polynomial B_n (x).