(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Polygon[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] is a graphics primitive that represents a filled polygon. Polygon[{{pt_11, pt_12, ...}, {pt_21, ...}, ...}] represents a collection of polygons.
PolynomialReduce[poly, {poly_1, poly_2, ...}, {x_1, x_2, ...}] yields a list representing a reduction of poly in terms of the poly_i. The list has the form {{a_1, a_2, ...}, ...
SinghMaddalaDistribution[q, a, b] represents the Singh\[Dash]Maddala distribution with shape parameters q and a and scale parameter b.
SkewNormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma], \[Alpha]] represents a skew-normal distribution with shape parameter \[Alpha], location parameter \[Mu], and scale parameter \[Sigma].
TreeForm[expr] displays expr as a tree with different levels at different depths. TreeForm[expr, n] displays expr as a tree only down to level n.
TriangularDistribution[{min, max}] represents a symmetric triangular statistical distribution giving values between min and max. TriangularDistribution[{min, max}, c] ...
TukeyLambdaDistribution[\[Lambda]] represents Tukey's lambda distribution with shape parameter \[Lambda].TukeyLambdaDistribution[\[Lambda], \[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents ...
TuringMachine[rule, init, t] generates a list representing the evolution of the Turing machine with the specified rule from initial condition init for t steps. ...
UniformSumDistribution[n] represents the distribution of a sum of n random variables uniformly distributed from 0 to 1.UniformSumDistribution[n, {min, max}] represents the ...
Here is a system of two ODEs whose coefficient matrix has real and distinct eigenvalues. This solves the system. Note that the general solution depends on two arbitrary ...