CellFrameColor is an option that specifies the color of the frame around a cell.
CellLabelMargins is an option for cells that specifies the absolute margins in printer's points around a cell label.
CounterAssignments is an option for selections that sets the value of a specified counter.
DefaultNewInlineCellStyle is an option for cells that specifies the default style to use for new inline cells created in the notebook.
DefaultNotebook is a global option that specifies which notebook is used as a template for all new notebooks.
DeletionWarning is an option for InterpretationBox or TagBox objects that specifies whether a warning is issued if the box is deleted.
Dispatch[{lhs_1 -> rhs_1, lhs_2 -> rhs_2, ...}] generates an optimized dispatch table representation of a list of rules. The object produced by Dispatch can be used to give ...
EdgeLabeling is an option for GraphPlot and related functions that specifies whether labeling specified for edges should be displayed by default.
FrameBoxOptions -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is an option for cells that specifies default settings.
ImageCorrelate[image, ker] gives the correlation of image with kernel ker.ImageCorrelate[image, ker, f] computes a generalized correlation in which the function f is used in ...