GroupGenerators[group] returns a list of generators of group.
Mathematica's unique structure allows a generalized notion of input, in which not only ordinary text, but also typeset structures, diagrams, graphics, control objects and ...
Mathematica normally assumes that variables which appear in equations can stand for arbitrary complex numbers. But when you use Reduce, you can explicitly tell Mathematica ...
$UserBaseDirectory gives the base directory in which user-specific files to be loaded by Mathematica are conventionally placed.
Mathematica always allows you to refer to special characters by using names such as ∖[Alpha] or explicit hexadecimal codes such as ∖:03b1. And when Mathematica writes out ...
Mathematica can represent bit vectors of arbitrary length as integers, and uses highly optimized algorithms—including several original to Wolfram Research—to perform bitwise ...
Mathematica provides efficient system-independent direct access to all aspects of files of any size.
Mathematica can handle numbers of essentially unlimited length, in any base, using state-of-the-art platform-optimized algorithms, including several developed at Wolfram ...
In Mathematica, a palette is just a notebook with a collection of controls such as buttons. A uniquely powerful consequence of Mathematica's unified design is that a symbolic ...