$CCompiler sets the default C compiler to use for operating on C code.
DialogInput[expr] interactively puts up expr as a dialog notebook, waits until a DialogReturn[e] is evaluated from within it, and then returns the result e. DialogInput[{x = ...
Modules in Mathematica allow you to treat the names of variables as local. Sometimes, however, you want the names to be global, but values to be local. You can do this in ...
SQLResultSetGoto[rs, pos] sets the current position of a result set to pos.
AlternatingGroup[n] generates the set of even-size n permutations, the alternating group on n symbols. AlternatingGroup[l] generates the set of even permutations of the list ...
CoarserSetPartitionQ[a, b] yields True if set partition b is coarser than set partition a; that is, every block in a is contained in some block in b.
UnrankSetPartition[r, s, k] finds a k-block set partition of s with rank r. UnrankSetPartition[r, n, k] finds a k-block set partition of {1, 2, ..., n} with rank r.
DynamicEvaluationTimeout is an option for displayed objects, cells, and notebooks that specifies the timeout in seconds for any Dynamic computations they contain.
ShowStringCharacters is an option for Cell that specifies whether to display " when a string is entered.
$BatchOutput is True if output in the current session is being sent in batch mode, suitable for reading by other programs.