PropertyValue[{obj, item}, name] gives the property value associated with name for item in obj.
MaximalIndepndentEdgeSet[g] gives a maximal independent edge set of an undirected graph g.
DiscreteIndicator[x, x_1, {u_1, u_2, ...}] yields the discrete indicator function, equal to 1 if x = x_1 and 0 if x = u_i for any i.
DistributedContexts is an option for various parallel computing functions that specifies which definitions for symbols appearing in an expression should be distributed to all ...
In many kinds of calculations, you need to set up "arrays" that contain sequences of expressions, each specified by a certain index. One way to implement arrays in ...
Mathematica gives you the ability to fine-tune the level of detail for your plots. To get a rough sketch of a plot, you can tell Mathematica to plot fewer points. The more ...
$DistributedContexts is the default value of the DistributedContexts option of functions such as ParallelTable and ParallelMap.
DistributeDefinitions[s_1, s_2, ...] distributes all definitions for the symbols s_i to all parallel kernels.DistributeDefinitions["context"] distributes definitions for all ...
OpenCLFractalRender3D[width, height] renders a three-dimensional fractal with image size being the specified width and height.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) End[] returns the present context, and reverts to the previous one.