ArcLengthFactor[{f_1, f_2, f_3}, t] gives the derivative of the arc length of the curve described by the parametrized curve coordinates {f_1, f_2, f_3} with respect to the ...
JacobianMatrix[pt] gives the Jacobian matrix of the transformation from the default coordinate system to the Cartesian coordinate system at the point pt. JacobianMatrix[pt, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BesselI[n, z] gives the modified Bessel function of the first kind I_n (z).
ControllabilityGramian[ss] gives the controllability Gramian of the StateSpaceModel object ss.
Covariance[v_1, v_2] gives the covariance between the vectors v_1 and v_2.Covariance[m] gives the covariance matrix for the matrix m.Covariance[m_1, m_2] gives the covariance ...
Skewness[list] gives the coefficient of skewness for the elements in list.Skewness[dist] gives the coefficient of skewness for the symbolic distribution dist.
Mathematica treats equations as logical statements. If you type in an equation like x^2+3x==2, Mathematica interprets this as a logical statement which asserts that x^2+3x is ...
MomentConvert[mexpr, form] converts the moment expression mexpr to the specified form.
NoncentralFRatioDistribution[n, m, \[Lambda]] represents a noncentral F-ratio distribution with n numerator degrees of freedom, m denominator degrees of freedom, and ...
The main equations that Solve and related Mathematica functions deal with are polynomial equations. It is easy to solve a linear equation in x. One can also solve quadratic ...