NegativeBinomialDistribution[n, p] represents a negative binomial distribution with parameters n and p.
NoncentralChiSquareDistribution[\[Nu], \[Lambda]] represents a noncentral \[Chi]^2 distribution with \[Nu] degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter \[Lambda].
TukeyLambdaDistribution[\[Lambda]] represents Tukey's lambda distribution with shape parameter \[Lambda].TukeyLambdaDistribution[\[Lambda], \[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents ...
In some cases it is useful to split the differential system into subsystems and solve each subsystem using appropriate integration methods. Recombining the individual ...
BooleanFunction[k, n] represents the k\[Null]^th Boolean function in n variables.BooleanFunction[values] represents the Boolean function corresponding to the specified vector ...
PERTDistribution[{min, max}, c] represents a PERT distribution with range min to max and maximum at c.PERTDistribution[{min, max}, c, \[Lambda]] represents a modified PERT ...
Exact global optimization problems can be solved exactly using Minimize and Maximize. This computes the radius of the circle, centered at the origin, circumscribed about the ...
Many differential equations exhibit some form of stiffness, which restricts the step size and hence effectiveness of explicit solution methods. A number of implicit methods ...
The first step in using a database is making a connection. This part of the tutorial discusses how to do this. If you are just starting to use DatabaseLink, you might want to ...
MathML is an XML-based markup language for representing mathematics. It was developed by the W3C to provide an effective way to display math in web pages and facilitate the ...