A linear ordinary differential equation of order n is said to be exact if The condition of exactness can be used to reduce the problem to that of solving an equation of order ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ArgMin[f, x] gives a position x_min at which f is minimized.ArgMin[f, {x, y, ...}] gives a position {x_min, y_min, ...} at which f is minimized.ArgMin[{f, cons}, {x, y, ...}] ...
BezierCurve[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] is a graphics primitive that represents a Bézier curve with control points pt_i.
DiracDelta[x] represents the Dirac delta function \[Delta](x). DiracDelta[x_1, x_2, ...] represents the multidimensional Dirac delta function \[Delta](x_1, x_2, ...).
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Log[z] gives the natural logarithm of z (logarithm to base e). Log[b, z] gives the logarithm to base b.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Tan[z] gives the tangent of z.
There are many variants of quasi-Newton methods. In all of them, the idea is to base the matrix B_k in the quadratic model on an approximation of the Hessian matrix built up ...
Here is a homogeneous equation in which the total degree of both the numerator and the denominator of the right-hand side is 2. The two parts of the solution list give ...
The aim of these tutorials is to provide a self-contained working guide for solving different types of problems with DSolve. The first step in using DSolve is to set up the ...
The numerical method of lines is a technique for solving partial differential equations by discretizing in all but one dimension, and then integrating the semi-discrete ...