SatisfiabilityCount[bf] counts the number of possible combinations of variable values that yield True when supplied as arguments to the Boolean function ...
VertexDegree[g] gives the list of vertex degrees for all vertices in the graph g.VertexDegree[g, v] gives the vertex degree for the vertex v.
Probability[pred, x \[Distributed] dist] gives the probability for an event that satisfies the predicate pred under the assumption that x follows the probability distribution ...
ChiSquareDistribution[\[Nu]] represents a \[Chi]^2 distribution with \[Nu] degrees of freedom.
Assuming[assum, expr] evaluates expr with assum appended to $Assumptions, so that assum is included in the default assumptions used by functions such as Refine, Simplify, and ...
ByteCount[expr] gives the number of bytes used internally by Mathematica to store expr.
ConstantArray[c, n] generates a list of n copies of the element c.ConstantArray[c, {n_1, n_2, ...}] generates an n_1*n_2*... array of nested lists containing copies of the ...
EdgeCount[g] gives a count of the number of edges in the graph g.EdgeCount[g, patt] gives a count of the number of edges that match the pattern patt.
HypergeometricU[a, b, z] is the confluent hypergeometric function U(a, b, z).
Projection[u, v] finds the projection of the vector u onto the vector v.Projection[u, v, f] finds projections with respect to the inner product function f.