The solutions to many second-order ODEs can be expressed in terms of special functions. Solutions to certain higher-order ODEs can also be expressed using AiryAi, BesselJ, ...
BSplineCurve[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] is a graphics primitive that represents a non-uniform rational B-spline curve with control points pt_i.
GeometricDistribution[p] represents a geometric distribution with probability parameter p.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) LogPlot[f, {x, x_min, x_max}] generates a log plot of f as a function of x from x_min to x_max. LogPlot[{f_1, f_2, ...}, {x, x_min, x_max}] generates log plots of several ...
An integration rule computes an estimate of an integral over a region, typically using a weighted sum. In the context of NIntegrate usage, an integration rule object provides ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Beta[a, b] gives the Euler beta function \[CapitalBeta](a, b). Beta[z, a, b] gives the incomplete beta function \[CapitalBeta]_z (a, b).
BooleanCountingFunction[k_max, n] represents a Boolean function of n variables that gives True if at most k_max variables are True.BooleanCountingFunction[{k}, n] represents ...
DynamicModule[{x, y, ...}, expr] represents an object which maintains the same local instance of the symbols x, y, ... in the course of all evaluations of Dynamic objects in ...
The names of built-in functions follow some general guidelines. The main expression or object on which a built-in function acts is usually given as the first argument to the ...
NegativeMultinomialDistribution[n, p] represents a negative multinomial distribution with parameter n and failure probability vector p.