When many rows of data are returned from a database query, a significant amount of memory may be required to hold the result. If all of the data does not need to be available ...
This package provides functions for performing a univariate Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to examine the differences between groups of means. The function ANOVA can handle ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Log[z] gives the natural logarithm of z (logarithm to base e). Log[b, z] gives the logarithm to base b.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) x^y gives x to the power y.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Tan[z] gives the tangent of z.
There are many variants of quasi-Newton methods. In all of them, the idea is to base the matrix B_k in the quadratic model on an approximation of the Hessian matrix built up ...
PolyhedronData[poly, " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the polyhedron named poly.PolyhedronData[poly] gives an image of the polyhedron named ...
Recall that connections to remote kernels, as opened by LaunchKernels, are represented as kernel objects. See the chapter Connection Methods for details. The commands in this ...
LocationEquivalenceTest[{data_1, data_2, ...}] tests whether the means or medians of the data_i are equal. LocationEquivalenceTest[{data_1, ...}, " property"] returns the ...
The numerical method of lines is a technique for solving partial differential equations by discretizing in all but one dimension, and then integrating the semi-discrete ...