BernoulliB[n] gives the Bernoulli number B_n. BernoulliB[n, x] gives the Bernoulli polynomial B_n (x).
BezierCurve[{pt_1, pt_2, ...}] is a graphics primitive that represents a Bézier curve with control points pt_i.
ExtentMarkers is an option to DiscretePlot and DiscretePlot3D that specifies markers to draw at extent boundaries.
ListAnimate[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] generates an animation whose frames are the successive expr_i. ListAnimate[list, fps] displays fps frames per second.
TreeGraph[{v_1, v_2, ...}, {u_1, u_2, ...}] yields a tree where u_i is the predecessor of v_i.TreeGraph[{e_1, e_2, ...}] yields a tree with edges e_j.TreeGraph[{v_1, v_2, ...
VertexLabels is an option and property for Graph and related functions that specifies what labels and label positions should be used for vertices.
Cyclotomic[n, x] gives the n\[Null]^th cyclotomic polynomial in x.
When you set a value to a symbol, that value will be used for the symbol for the entire Mathematica session. Since symbols no longer in use can introduce unexpected errors ...
GraphPeriphery[g] gives the set of vertices with maximum eccentricity in the graph g.
Signature[list] gives the signature of the permutation needed to place the elements of list in canonical order.