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CellDingbat   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
CellDingbat is an option for Cell which specifies what dingbat to use to emphasize a cell.
CellFrameMargins   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
CellFrameMargins is an option for Cell which specifies the absolute margins in printer's points to leave inside a frame that is drawn around a cell.
ControlPlacement   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ControlPlacement is an option for Manipulate, TabView, and other control objects that specifies where controls should be placed.
DiscreteIndicator   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
DiscreteIndicator[x, x_1, {u_1, u_2, ...}] yields the discrete indicator function, equal to 1 if x = x_1 and 0 if x = u_i for any i.
FindLinearRecurrence   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FindLinearRecurrence[list] finds if possible the minimal linear recurrence that generates list.FindLinearRecurrence[list, d] finds if possible the linear recurrence of ...
FontSize   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FontSize is an option for Style and Cell that specifies the default size in printer's points of the font in which to render text.
IntegerLength   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
IntegerLength[n] gives the number of digits in the base 10 representation of the integer n.IntegerLength[n, b] gives the number of digits in the base b representation of n.
Share   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Share[expr] changes the way expr is stored internally, to try and minimize the amount of memory used. Share[] tries to minimize the memory used to store all expressions.
DatabaseLink User Guide   (DatabaseLink Overview)
Introduction to DatabaseLink Getting Started Database Connections
Inserting Data   (DatabaseLink Tutorial)
SQLInsert inserts data into a database. An alternative, using raw SQL, is described in "Inserting Data with Raw SQL". If you find that the examples in this tutorial do not ...
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