CellDingbat is an option for Cell which specifies what dingbat to use to emphasize a cell.
CellFrameMargins is an option for Cell which specifies the absolute margins in printer's points to leave inside a frame that is drawn around a cell.
ControlPlacement is an option for Manipulate, TabView, and other control objects that specifies where controls should be placed.
DiscreteIndicator[x, x_1, {u_1, u_2, ...}] yields the discrete indicator function, equal to 1 if x = x_1 and 0 if x = u_i for any i.
FindLinearRecurrence[list] finds if possible the minimal linear recurrence that generates list.FindLinearRecurrence[list, d] finds if possible the linear recurrence of ...
FontSize is an option for Style and Cell that specifies the default size in printer's points of the font in which to render text.
IntegerLength[n] gives the number of digits in the base 10 representation of the integer n.IntegerLength[n, b] gives the number of digits in the base b representation of n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Share[expr] changes the way expr is stored internally, to try and minimize the amount of memory used. Share[] tries to minimize the memory used to store all expressions.
Introduction to DatabaseLink Getting Started Database Connections
SQLInsert inserts data into a database. An alternative, using raw SQL, is described in "Inserting Data with Raw SQL". If you find that the examples in this tutorial do not ...