Mathematica provides fully integrated spline graphics primitives, such as Bézier curves, B-spline curves, and B-spline surfaces. The spline primitives support a full range of ...
Eigenvalues[m] gives a list of the eigenvalues of the square matrix m. Eigenvalues[{m, a}] gives the generalized eigenvalues of m with respect to a. Eigenvalues[m, k] gives ...
BubbleChart[{{x_1, y_1, z_1}, {x_2, y_2, z_2}, ...}] makes a bubble chart with bubbles at positions {x_i, y_i} with sizes z_i.BubbleChart[{..., w_i[{x_i, y_i, z_i}, ...], ...
DiscreteUniformDistribution[{i_min, i_max}] represents a discrete uniform distribution over the integers from i_min to i_max.DiscreteUniformDistribution[{{i_min, i_max}, ...
LogLogPlot[f, {x, x_min, x_max}] generates a log-log plot of f as function of x from x_min to x_max. LogLogPlot[{f_1, f_2, ...}, {x, x_min, x_max}] generates log-log plots of ...
VectorPlot3D[{v_x, v_y, v_z}, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}, {z, z_min, z_max}] generates a 3D vector plot of the vector field {v_x, v_y, v_z} as a function of x, y, ...
In calculus even more than other areas, Mathematica packs centuries of mathematical development into a small number of exceptionally powerful functions. Continually enhanced ...
Mathematica's strengths in algebraic computation and graphics as well as numerics combine to bring unprecedented flexibility and power to geometric computation. Making ...
The symbolic architecture of Mathematica notebooks allows immediate interoperability with a wide range of document, web, graphics and other formats. Mathematica automatically ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Export["file. ext", expr] exports data to a file, converting it to the format corresponding to the file extension ext. Export[file, expr, " format"] exports data in the ...