EigenvectorCentrality[g] gives a list of eigenvector centralities for the vertices in the graph g.EigenvectorCentrality[g, "In"] gives a list of in-centralities for a ...
HankelMatrix[n] gives the n*n Hankel matrix with first row and first column being successive integers.HankelMatrix[{c_1, c_2, ..., c_n}] gives the Hankel matrix whose first ...
HexadecimalCharacter represents a hexadecimal digit character 0\[Dash]9, a\[Dash]f, A\[Dash]F in StringExpression.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) HoldAll is an attribute which specifies that all arguments to a function are to be maintained in an unevaluated form.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Left is a symbol that represents the left-hand side for purposes of alignment and positioning.
MatrixRank[m] gives the rank of the matrix m.
MaxExtraBandwidths is an option to SmoothKernelDistribution that controls the behavior outside that data range.
NominalVariables is an option for fitting functions such as LinearModelFit that specifies which variables should be treated as having discrete values specified by names.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Opacity[a] is a graphics directive which specifies that graphical objects which follow are to be displayed, if possible, with opacity a. Opacity[a, color] uses the specified ...
PolarAxesOrigin is an option for sector charts and polar plots that specifies where polar axes should be drawn.