Graphics[primitives, options] represents a two-dimensional graphical image.
Mathematica provides built-in support for both programmatic and interactive image processing, fully integrated with Mathematica's powerful mathematical and algorithmic ...
This document describes how to compile and run MathLink programs written in the C language on Mac OS X systems. ("MathLink and External Program Communication" describes how ...
This section discusses commands that get information about database tables. If you find that the examples in this section do not work as shown, you may need to install or ...
A process is simply a Mathematica expression being evaluated. A processor is a parallel kernel that performs such evaluations. The command ParallelEvaluate discussed in the ...
GraphPlot and GraphPlot3D calculate and plot a visually appealing 2D/3D layout of a graph. The functions are designed to work with very large graphs and handle both connected ...
Mathematica is uniquely suited for processing symbolic expressions because of its powerful pattern-matching abilities and large collection of built-in structural manipulation ...
Code generation from Mathematica involves converting programs written in the Mathematica language into other languages and then supporting them so that they can be executed. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) FindFit[data, expr, pars, vars] finds numerical values of the parameters pars that make expr give a best fit to data as a function of vars. The data can have the form {{x_1, ...
NormalDistribution[\[Mu], \[Sigma]] represents a normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean \[Mu] and standard deviation \[Sigma].NormalDistribution[] represents a normal ...