DominationLattice[n] returns a Hasse diagram of the partially ordered set on integer partitions of n in which p < q if q dominates p. The function takes two options: Type and ...
FromAdjacencyLists[l] constructs an edge list representation for a graph from the given adjacency lists l, using a circular embedding. FromAdjacencyLists[l, v] uses v as the ...
FromUnorderedPairs[l] constructs an edge list representation from a list of unordered pairs l, using a circular embedding.FromUnorderedPairs[l, v] uses v as the embedding for ...
IsomorphicQ[g, h] yields True if graphs g and h are isomorphic.
KSubsetGroupIndex[g, s, x] returns the cycle index of the k-subset group on s expressed as a polynomial in x[1], x[2], .... This function also takes the optional argument ...
NumberOfKPaths[g, v, k] returns a sorted list that contains the number of paths of length k to different vertices of g from v.NumberOfKPaths[al, v, k] behaves identically, ...
ToAdjacencyMatrix[g] constructs an adjacency matrix representation for graph g. ToAdjacencyMatrix[g, EdgeWeight] returns edge weights as entries of the adjacency matrix with ...
ToOrderedPairs[g] constructs a list of ordered pairs representing the edges of the graph g.
ToUnorderedPairs[g] constructs a list of unordered pairs representing the edges of graph g. Each edge, directed or undirected, results in a pair in which the smaller vertex ...
Arrow has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel. New directive Arrowheads has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.