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PasteButton   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
PasteButton[expr] represents a button that pastes expr whenever it is pressed. PasteButton[label, expr] displays with label on the button.
Constructing Lists   (Mathematica Tutorial)
Lists are widely used in Mathematica, and there are many ways to construct them. Some explicit ways to construct lists. This gives a table of the first five powers of 2.
MathLink Development in C (Windows)   (Mathematica Tutorial)
This document describes how to compile and run MathLink programs written in the C language on computers running a Microsoft Windows operating system. ("MathLink and External ...
XML Reference   (GUIKit Package Tutorial)
This tutorial documents the XML representation of the user interface definition, GUIKitXML for short. This is a DTD representing the current GUIKit XML definitions. Use the ...
Interaction with Mathematica   (Library Link Tutorial)
Wolfram LibraryLink allows dynamic libraries to be directly loaded into the Mathematica kernel so that functions in the libraries can be immediately called from Mathematica. ...
ConditionalExpression   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ConditionalExpression[expr, cond] is a symbolic construct that represents the expression expr when the condition cond is True.
CUDA Programming   (CUDALink Tutorial)
CUDA is a general C-like programming developed by NVIDIA to program Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). CUDALink provides an easy interface to program the GPU by removing many ...
AnimateGraph   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
AnimateGraph[g, l] displays graph g with each element in the list l successively highlighted. Here l is a list containing vertices and edges of g. An optional flag, which ...
FromAdjacencyMatrix   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
FromAdjacencyMatrix[m] constructs a graph from a given adjacency matrix m, using a circular embedding. FromAdjacencyMatrix[m, v] uses v as the embedding for the resulting ...
FromOrderedPairs   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
FromOrderedPairs[l] constructs an edge list representation from a list of ordered pairs l, using a circular embedding. FromOrderedPairs[l, v] uses v as the embedding for the ...
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