Building on Mathematica's integrated symbolic architecture, it becomes easy to introduce powerful dynamic behavior into any aspect of visualization. Single Mathematica ...
Mathematica can run its calculations on other computers that have Mathematica installed. Passing computations to other, potentially more powerful, machines can increase the ... is a MathLink template file.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BitOr[n_1, n_2, ...] gives the bitwise OR of the integers n_i.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Break[] exits the nearest enclosing Do, For, or While.
ButtonBox[boxes] is a low-level box construct that represents a button in a notebook expression.
Colorize[m] generates an image from an integer matrix m, using colors for positive integers and black for non-positive integers.Colorize[image] replaces intensity values in ...
CornerFilter[image] computes a measure for the presence of a corner for each pixel in image and returns the result as an intensity image.CornerFilter[image, r] detects ...
CreateArchive[source] creates a compressed archive in the current directory from a file or directory specified by source.CreateArchive[source, path] creates a compressed ...
DirectedGraph[g] gives a directed graph from the undirected graph g.DirectedGraph[g, conv] gives a directed graph using the conversion conv.