LaplacianGaussianFilter[image, r] convolves image with a Laplacian-of-Gaussian kernel of pixel radius r.LaplacianGaussianFilter[image, {r, \[Sigma]}] convolves image with a ...
LocatorPane[{x, y}, back] represents a pane with a locator at position {x, y} and background back.LocatorPane[Dynamic[pt], back] takes the locator position to be the ...
MaxDetect[image] gives a binary image in which white pixels correspond to constant extended maxima in image.MaxDetect[image, h] finds extended maxima where the range of ...
MeanShiftFilter[image, r, d] replaces each pixel with the mean of the pixels in a range-r neighborhood and whose value is within a distance d.MeanShiftFilter[array, r, d] ...
MinDetect[image] gives a binary image in which white pixels correspond to constant extended minima in image.MinDetect[image, h] finds extended minima where the range of ...
PageWidth is an option for output streams and for cells which specifies how wide each line of text should be allowed to be.
PaneSelector[{v_1 -> expr_1, v_2 -> expr_2, ...}, v] represents an object that displays as a pane containing the expr_i for which v_i is equal to v.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) PrimePi[x] gives the number of primes \[Pi] (x) less than or equal to x.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Pruning[image] removes the outermost branches of thin objects in image by setting their values to black.Pruning[image, n] removes branches that are at most n pixels ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Refresh[expr, opts] represents an object whose value in a Dynamic should be refreshed at times specified by the options opts. Refresh[expr, None] specifies that the value of ...