ImageHistogram[image] plots a histogram of the pixel levels for each channel in image.ImageHistogram[image, n] uses n levels for each channel.ImageHistogram[image, n, {min, ...
ImageLevels[image] gives a list of pixel values and counts for each channel in image. ImageLevels[image, n] bins pixel values into n equally spaced levels.ImageLevels[image, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Thread[f[args]] "threads" f over any lists that appear in args. Thread[f[args], h] threads f over any objects with head h that appear in args. Thread[f[args], h, n] threads f ...
In many kinds of numerical computations, it is convenient to introduce approximate functions. Approximate functions can be thought of as generalizations of ordinary ...
Although Mathematica matches patterns in a purely structural fashion, its notion of structural equivalence is quite sophisticated. In particular, it takes account of ...
Patterns are used throughout Mathematica to represent classes of expressions. A simple example of a pattern is the expression f[x_]. This pattern represents the class of ...
Output formats for numbers. These numbers are given in the default output format. Large numbers are given in scientific notation. This gives all numbers in scientific ...
DistributionChart[{data_1, data_2, ...}] makes a distribution chart with a distribution symbol for each data_i.DistributionChart[{..., w_i[data_i, ...], ..., w_j[data_j, ...
A body that absorbs all radiation incident on it is called an ideal black body. This package provides functions giving the basic properties of black-body radiation at a ...
Mathematica includes rich support for linking between notebooks and from notebooks to websites. You can simply add references to a single notebook or link between a series of ...