RegionBinarize[image, marker, d] gives a binary version of image that includes the foreground pixels of marker and also connected regions whose pixel values are within a ...
Specularity[s] is a graphics directive which specifies that surfaces of 3D graphics objects which follow are to be taken to have specularity s. Specularity[s, n] uses ...
StringReplaceList["string", s -> sp] or StringReplaceList["string", {s_1 -> sp_1, s_2 -> sp_2, ...}] gives a list of the strings obtained by replacing each individual ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Which[test_1, value_1, test_2, value_2, ...] evaluates each of the test_i in turn, returning the value of the value_i corresponding to the first one that yields True.
Internal representations used by Mathematica. When you type input into Mathematica, a data structure is created in the memory of your computer to represent the expression you ...
In most cases, you want the head f of a Mathematica expression like f[x] to be a single symbol. There are, however, some important applications of heads that are not symbols. ...
When you make a function definition using :=, the value of the function is recomputed every time you ask for it. In some kinds of calculations, you may end up asking for the ...
When you have numerical data, it is often convenient to find a simple formula that approximates it. For example, you can try to "fit" a line or curve through the points in ...
The basic idea behind the "StiffnessSwitching" method is to provide an automatic means of switching between a nonstiff and a stiff solver. The "StiffnessTest" and ...
Mathematica allows you to perform many operations on power series. In all cases, Mathematica gives results only to as many terms as can be justified from the accuracy of your ...