RevolutionPlot3D[f_z, {t, t_min, t_max}] generates a plot of the surface of revolution with height f_z at radius t.RevolutionPlot3D[f_z, {t, t_min, t_max}, {\[Theta], ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Root[f, k] represents the exact k\[Null]^th root of the polynomial equation f[x] == 0. Root[{f, x_0}] represents the exact root of the general equation f[x] == 0 near x = ...
A remote kernel in use may fail at any time, due to hardware, network, or software problems. A failure of a remote kernel will be noticed the next time Parallel Computing ...
Widget["IndexedImagePanel"] represents an indexed image panel.
This example demonstrates various techniques for designing a progress bar dialog and a number of options available to wrap the reusable widget involved. Here is one technique ...
Syntax of notation declarations. Notation takes both an external representation and an internal representation as arguments. Mathematica translates any input matching the ...
EulerEquations[f, u[x ], x] returns the Euler\[Dash]Lagrange differential equation obeyed by u[x] derived from the functional f, where f depends on the function u[x] and its ...
DirichletCharacter[k, j, n] gives the Dirichlet character \[Chi] {k, j} (n) with modulus k and index j.
EvaluationMonitor is an option for various numerical computation and plotting functions that gives an expression to evaluate whenever functions derived from the input are ...
InterpolatingPolynomial[{f_1, f_2, ...}, x] constructs an interpolating polynomial in x which reproduces the function values f_i at successive integer values 1, 2, ... of x. ...