"SelectionConvert" converts the selected cells into a new format.
Rationals represents the domain of rational numbers, as in x \[Element] Rationals.
Steps in the operation of Mathematica. When you type something like x^2 what Mathematica at first sees is just the string of characters x, ^, 2. But with the usual way that ...
WorkingForm is an option of Notation, Symbolize and InfixNotation that defines in which form the notation will be defined.
(Mathematica Character Name) Unicode: 00A2. Alias: Esc cent Esc. Letter-like form. Currency symbol, used as in 5¢.
Unicode: 2296. Alias: Esc c- Esc. Infix operator. x ⊖ y is by default interpreted as CircleMinus[x,y].
Unicode: 2663. Letter-like form.
Unicode: 0F3D3. Aliases: Esc cond Esc. Infix operator with built-in evaluation rules. exprpred is by default interpreted as Conditioned[expr,pred].
Unicode: F7DA. Alias: Esc cc Esc.
Unicode: 00A9. Letter-like form.