Unicode: 002D. Raw operator. Equivalent to the ordinary ASCII character with code 45. As an overscript, used to indicate conjugation or negation. Also used to indicate an ...
Unicode: F766. Alias: Esc ␣ret Esc. Letter-like form. Representation of the Return key on a keyboard. Used in describing how to type textual input. Esc ret Esc is the alias ...
Unicode: 0159. Alias: Esc rv Esc. Letter. Included in ISO Latin-2.
Unicode: 232A. Alias: Esc > Esc. Matchfix operator. 〈 x 〉 is by default interpreted as AngleBracket[x]. Used in the form 〈x 〉 to indicate expected or average value. Called ...
Unicode: F604. Alias: Esc r| Esc. Matchfix operator. x is by default interpreted as BracketingBar[x]. Used in mathematics to indicate absolute value (Abs), determinant ...
Unicode: F606. Alias: Esc r|| Esc. Matchfix operator. x is by default interpreted as DoubleBracketingBar[x]. Used in mathematics to indicate taking a norm. Sometimes used ...
Unicode: F76C. Alias: Esc ] Esc. Letter-like form. Used in documenting control and command characters. key∖[LeftModified]char\[RightModified] is used to indicate that char ...
Unicode: F762. Uninterpretable element. n is used on output to indicate n omitted pieces in an expression obtained from Short or Shallow. \[RightSkeleton] indicates the ...
Unicode: 22A2. Alias: Esc rT Esc. Infix operator. x ⊢ y is by default interpreted as RightTee[x,y]. x ⊢ y ⊢ z groups as x ⊢ (y ⊢ z). Used in mathematics to indicate logical ...
Unicode: 22B3. Infix ordering operator. x ⊳ y is by default interpreted as RightTriangle[x,y]. Used in pure mathematics to mean 'contains as a normal subgroup'.