HalfNormalDistribution[\[Theta]] represents a half-normal distribution with scale inversely proportional to parameter \[Theta].
KDistribution[\[Nu], w] represents a K distribution with shape parameters \[Nu] and w.
MardiaCombinedTest[data] tests whether data follows a MultinormalDistribution using the Mardia combined test.MardiaCombinedTest[data, " property"] returns the value of " ...
MaxwellDistribution[\[Sigma]] represents a Maxwell distribution with scale parameter \[Sigma].
NakagamiDistribution[\[Mu], \[Omega]] represents a Nakagami distribution with shape parameter \[Mu] and spread parameter \[Omega].
DiscreteWaveletTransform[data] gives the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of an array of data.DiscreteWaveletTransform[data, wave] gives the discrete wavelet transform using ...
A delay differential equation is a differential equation where the time derivatives at the current time depend on the solution and possibly its derivatives at previous times: ...
The functions accessible with Wolfram LibraryLink make it possible to optimize numerical computations while still keeping the flexibility and generality of Mathematica. If ...
EstimatedDistribution[data, dist] estimates the parametric distribution dist from data.EstimatedDistribution[data, dist, {{p, p_0}, {q, q_0}, ...}] estimates the parameters ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Texture[obj] is a graphics directive that specifies that obj should be used as a texture on faces of polygons and other filled graphics objects.