Mathematica provides powerful functions to compute state-feedback and estimator gains using pole-placement or optimal techniques. In addition, it has functions that directly ...
This section shows some of the ways that TetGenLink can be applied. To use TetGenLink it must first be loaded. Next, some random points are generated and displayed.
MemoryInUse[] gives the number of bytes currently being used to store all data in the current Mathematica kernel session. MemoryInUse[$FrontEnd] gives the number of bytes ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Refine[expr, assum] gives the form of expr that would be obtained if symbols in it were replaced by explicit numerical expressions satisfying the assumptions assum. ...
MathLink connections between Mathematica sessions. This starts up a link on port number 8000. This connects to the link on port 8000.
.NET/Link lets you write sophisticated user interfaces by calling .NET types directly from Mathematica. Doing so allows you to evaluate code as you add it, either one or ...
Since many functions in Mathematica give solutions in the form of rules, you need to be able to use these rules to explore and interpret your results. Although many of the ...
MaxMemoryUsed[] gives the maximum number of bytes used to store all data for the current Mathematica session.
DatabaseLink contains a number of example databases (many use HSQLDB). These allow you to try examples in the documentation and learn the details of working with databases in ...
Mathematica supports using joysticks, gamepads, 3D mice, and all other controller devices that follow the HID specification. In fact, in many cases, there is zero setup ...