Environment["var"] gives the value of an operating system environment variable.
FractionLine is an option for fractions that specifies the thickness of the line separating the numerator and denominator.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Goto[tag] scans for Label[tag], and transfers control to that point.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NameQ["string"] yields True if there are any symbols whose names match the string pattern given, and yields False otherwise.
PageFooters is an option for notebooks that specifies what should be inserted as the footer of each page of a notebook when it is printed.
PageHeaders is an option for notebooks that specifies what should be inserted as the header of each page of a notebook when it is printed.
PlusMinus[x] displays as \[PlusMinus]x.PlusMinus[x, y, ...] displays as x \[PlusMinus] y \[PlusMinus] ....
RemoveAlphaChannel[image] removes all opacity information from image.RemoveAlphaChannel[image, c] removes opacity by blending all pixels with the background color c.
ShowPageBreaks is a notebook option that specifies whether to indicate in the on-screen display of a notebook where page breaks would occur if the notebook were printed.
StopScheduledTask[obj] deactivates the task obj.