The general symbolic string patterns in Mathematica allow you to perform powerful string manipulation efficiently. What follows discusses the details of string patterns, ...
FullSimplify[expr] tries a wide range of transformations on expr involving elementary and special functions, and returns the simplest form it finds. FullSimplify[expr, assum] ...
Finding memory usage. Particularly for symbolic computations, memory is usually the primary resource which limits the size of computations you can do. If a computation runs ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Filling is an option for ListPlot, Plot, Plot3D, and related functions that specifies what filling to add under points, curves, and surfaces.
A typical Mathematica notebook containing text, graphics, and Mathematica expressions. The brackets on the right indicate the extent of each cell. Mathematica notebooks are ...
This document describes how to compile and run MathLink programs written in the C language on computers running a Microsoft Windows operating system. ("MathLink and External ...
ProbabilityPlot[list] generates a plot of the CDF of list against the CDF of a normal distribution.ProbabilityPlot[dist] generates a plot of the CDF of the distribution dist ...
This example shows how to build industry-standard wizard dialogs using GUIKit's powerful built-in wizard widgets.
New function HornerForm has been added to the built-in Mathematica kernel.
Mathematica 6.0 defined a major new paradigm for computing, centered around the concept of the symbolic dynamic interface. Built on Mathematica's unique symbolic ...