DilateVertices[v, d] multiplies each coordinate of each vertex position in list v by d, thus dilating the embedding. DilateVertices[g, d] dilates the embedding of graph g by ...
EdgeConnectivity[g] gives the minimum number of edges whose deletion from graph g disconnects it. EdgeConnectivity[g, Cut] gives a set of edges of minimum size whose deletion ...
EdgeLabel is an option that can take on values True or False, allowing the user to associate labels to edges. By default, there are no edge labels. The EdgeLabel option can ...
EdgeStyle is an option that allows the user to associate different sizes and shapes to edges. A line segment is the default edge. EdgeStyle can be set as part of the graph ...
GraphJoin[g_1, g_2, ...] constructs the join of graphs g_1, g_2, and so on. This is the graph obtained by adding all possible edges between different graphs to the graph ...
GraphOptions[g] returns the display options associated with g. GraphOptions[g, v] returns the display options associated with vertex v in g. GraphOptions[g, {u, v}] returns ...
GraphPower[g, k] gives the k\[Null]^th power of graph g. This is the graph whose vertex set is identical to the vertex set of g and that contains an edge between vertices i ...
GraphUnion[g_1, g_2, ...] constructs the union of graphs g_1, g_2, and so forth. GraphUnion[n, g] constructs n copies of graph g, for any nonnegative integer n.
HamiltonianCycle[g] finds a Hamiltonian cycle in graph g if one exists. HamiltonianCycle[g, All] gives all Hamiltonian cycles of graph g.
Involutions[l] gives the list of involutions of the elements in the list l. Involutions[l, Cycles] gives the involutions in their cycle representation. Involution[n] gives ...