(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Style[expr, options] displays with expr formatted using the specified option settings. Style[expr, " style"] uses the option settings for the specified style in the current ...
The fundamental paradigm of most computer languages, including Mathematica, is that input is given and processed into output. Historically, such input has consisted of ...
Type Ctrl+DynamicBox[If[$OperatingSystem === MacOSX, T, D], ImageSizeCache -> {9., {0., 8.}}] or choose Graphics > Drawing Tools. For more information on each tool, click the ...
Isomorphism[g, h] gives an isomorphism between graphs g and h if one exists. Isomorphism[g, h, All] gives all isomorphisms between graphs g and h. Isomorphism[g] gives the ...
Coordinates[] gives a list of the default coordinate variables in the default coordinate system. Coordinates[coordsys] gives a list of the default coordinate variables in the ...
Cylindrical represents the cylindrical coordinate system with default variables Rr, Ttheta, and Zz.Cylindrical[r, \[Theta], z] represents the cylindrical coordinate system ...
Spherical represents the spherical coordinate system with default variables Rr, Ttheta, and Pphi. Spherical[r, \[Theta], \[Phi]] represents the spherical coordinate system ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Begin["context`"] resets the current context.
UnderscriptBox[x, y] is the low-level box representation for UnderscriptBox[x, y] in notebook expressions.
VertexRenderingFunction is an option for GraphPlot and related functions that gives a function to generate the graphics primitives to use in rendering each vertex.