LegendBackground is an option for Legend, which specifies the style of background to use with a legend.
LegendBorder is an option for Legend, which specifies the style of the line surrounding key boxes and text in a legend.
LegendLabel is an option for Legend, which specifies the text to be used as the label for the legend box.
You may wish to save your work in a format other than the default Mathematica notebook for sharing or publication. Mathematica has a very robust system for exporting your ...
There are many convenient ways to get an image into Mathematica , including drag and drop. You can also import images by evaluating commands in a notebook. Once you have an ...
FaceForm[g] is a graphics directive which specifies that faces of polygons and other filled graphics objects are to be drawn using the graphics directive or list of ...
OpenAppend["file"] opens a file to append output to it, and returns an OutputStream object.
OverscriptBox[x, y] is the low-level box representation for OverscriptBox[x, y] in notebook expressions.
PointSize[d] is a graphics directive which specifies that points which follow are to be shown if possible as circular regions with diameter d. The diameter d is given as a ...
StreamColorFunction is an option for StreamPlot and related functions that specifies a function to apply to determine colors along streamlines.